Survey description

The two-month survey is the first follow-up step after the inclusion of Elfe children in the maternity ward.

Its proximity to the maternity survey met several objectives: to gain the loyalty of parents by contacting them shortly after giving birth, to take advantage of their availability, since many of them would still be on maternity or paternity leave at the time of the survey; and finally, to carry out questions relating to pregnancy at a time still close to the pregnancy, in order to minimize memory bias.

Its main objectives are to determine the family’s socio-demographic characteristics, to detail the characteristics of the home in which the child lives, and to obtain initial information on the child’s development and health.

Based on the 18,041 families who had given their consent in the maternity ward, the 2-month survey could be carried out completely or incompletely on 16,301 families (90.4%).

For more information on this stage of the Elfe study, you can download the following documents: